My way

Pascale Pillon


Psychanalyste Symbolique


The pain of the physical body was deeply moving me when I was practicing as a physiotherapist. For the patient, physical suffering was often connected to an inner suffering made up of emotions (shame, sadness, anger, etc.) and feelings (rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal, injustice). I discovered that the injured or even disabled body was altering the inner and outer image that the patient had of himself.

The desire to deepen the image that the patient was weaving with himself induced me to the discovery and exploration of video images during a BA at Chelsea Art College. I was trying to capture, through the focused eye of the camera, this ‘self-image’. This image takes its source beyond the conscious wounds of the physical body and emerges from emotional and unconscious wounds. These video images, as a kind of “conscious” dreams, accompanied me throughout the discovery of Jung’s unconscious universe. I found out the main origin of the “self-image”: the look conveyed by the authority figures during childhood. And attached to it : the use of this self-image in relationships with others.

I went on with the exploration of the unconscious through the energetic work of B. A. Brennan and D. Ramsden. I realised that the physical body is surrounded by a Human Energy Field(HEFs) or ‘energy bodies’ where the unconscious resides. These are the locations where the “self-image” is stored an is subtly “visible.” It is also where the bonds we have forged during our childhood and that we are forging with our partners, under the shape of relations filled with energy (relational cords) can be found. And it is from these ‘energy bodies‘ that the images and bonds can be transformed to get out of the suffering.

I am currently engaged in the search of “self-image” through the work of J. Pierrakos. From the physical body, I am exploring the unconscious ‘energy bodies’ to meet the spiritual heart of the human being. As the ‘’self- image’’ vanishes it enables the center of the human being at the Heart of Relationship to blossom.